Angela Barber

Angela Barber
Current Position
Research Professional I, Lab Manager, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Previous Position
Laboratory technician II & Research technician III
B.S. (Chemistry)
Q & A
Don't be afraid to talk to your science teacher if you don't understand parts of what you are studying. The basic theoretical principles behind the general chemistry course taught in high school and college have some very complex elements. Don't be afraid to ask questions and take time to try to really understand the principles. This time taken will serve you well in the future.
The ability to use my detail-orientated, hyper-focused, and analytical strengths to analyze samples, solve problems, and make the lab organized and efficient. The ability to use my skills to do research which has a direct application to solving real-life problems. The variety in the research that I do and in day-to-day activities. The ability to have a balance between time working alone and time working with others.
At times, it is difficult for me to be the authority figure that has to tell people to do things.